Sosakonline Archive

Please note that all content in this section has been imported from our old Sosakonline website and may contain broken links. We are revising it as we can, but these things take time, and it's a lot of content to get through!

A list of articles published for September 2007

Wenger ToolChest Plus-

Wenger's Flagship claims another member!

SAK Of The Month-

Blades only this month, all other SAKs need not apply!

Collection Highlights-

The entire line of SOSAK Knives

SwissMan's DAK-

The HITMan's thoughts on the old ALOX Dutch Army Knife

The Best SAK for...?

How do you know if you have the right SAK for the job?

SAK Day-

A Day in the life of a SwissChamp and it's SOSAK Member!

Future of the Soldier?

With an open contract looming, will the Swiss Army Knife be produced elsewhere?

SwissMan's GAK-

A little history on the SOSAK HITMan's fascination with military issue SAKs

Wenger Saw Update-

 Update on last month's Wenger review

Scibeer's 84mm Mod-

 Taking them apart is easy, Scibeer shows you how to put them back together!