The OHT comes originally as a chisel grind with partial serrations on the tip of the blade, as seen here:

The tools that I used for this were my bench grinder, a couple of handfiles, my Lansky sharpening system, and the materials needed to convex a blade (mouse pad, sandpaper and strop).

Total time to complete this was right under an hour.
The biggest tip I can give you if you attempt to try this is: Remember, you can always remove more metal, but you cannot add more metal. Meaning, take your time.

The first thing I did, was to remove the humps off the serrrations with my bench grinder's 60 grit stone. Do this very (listen now), very lightly. One you remove the metal, you can't add it back on to the blade. OK, I hear some of you saying "my God man, he used a grinder..." blah, blah. I did not heat the blade nor ruin the temper. All I was doing was knocking the 'bumps' off the serrations. I mainly did this to lessen the time it took using the hand files.
Next, I started filing by hand.

Now that the serrations are disappearing, I switched over to the extra course stone on my Lansky sharpener to start getting a bevel on the rough filework I just completed.

And then switched over to the course stone -

After I was satisfied with the Lansky, I switched over to the mouse pad and sandpaper. Starting at 150 grit and working my way up to 1000 grit. Then polished it off on the strop charged with aluminum oxide.

And the final product, with my helper watching.

The reason for the cat in the picture was for Tim here and on SOSAK that runs a non-profit feline emergency service.
Chris, Saunterer