The names in here won’t be new to anyone who has been a SOSAK member for any length of time, but they have taken the leap from virtual word to the printed word, and with a significant amount of success so far. Or perhaps I should say “we” rather than “they” because I am one of them, but more on that later.

Anyone who routinely looks at the Day’s SAKtivity pictures will no doubt be familiar with Tstetz, but what many of you may not be aware of is that Tstetz is also known as Tim Stetzer, whose review of Argentinian Knifemaker Mariano Gugliotta (also a SOSAK member!) appeared in the November issue of Tactical Knives. Tim has written for a number of different websites over the years (I recently found an old review of his on a Leatherman Squirt model on a computer website) and has supplied SOSAKOnline with material since the beginning.

Any fans of some of Spudley112's outdoor articles may be surprised to learn what a gadget freak the man really is, but real life Dale Daniels has an article in the latest SmartPhone and Pocket PC edition (Oct/November, 2007). Look in the Enterprise Deployment section for Dale’s thoughts on mobile computing in the Logistics industry, which I am certain will be fascinating. Anyone familiar with Dale’s articles here will know he has a way of making a topic really speak to the reader, and I look foreward to reading it as soon as I can find a copy!

There was also an interesting article, not written by but about another SOSAK member, Marcelo Di Marco in the Arts and Literature section of the Argentine newspaper Perfil. Marcelo has written for us in the past, and is a professional writer. I don’t know what the article is about since I don’t read Spanish, but you can plainly see him, with a Victorinox Classic dangling from his pocket! Of course, knowing his fondness for the OHT, I was a little surprised it was a Classic, but better that than anything else!
I’ve got a bit of a double whammy myself- this month I got a photo credit in the local East Coast Living magazine which featured an article on home beer brewing- I just happened to be in a friend’s shop the day they called looking for photos and I jumped at the chance. It’s not much, and it’s not SAK related, but I take them where I can get them! Also, getting back to Tactical Knives magazine, the January issue (on newsstands now) includes an article with a bunch of very familiar looking OHT’s, including a Scibeer Micarta OHT, a Secret Order of the Swisss Army Knives Knife Of The Year Black Bladed OHT, a couple of factory plain edges from SwissBianco and some other cool versions. I had a great time penning that article and taking the pictures, and I am looking forward to doing it again in the future.
As you can see, SOSAK members are everywhere, and we are capable of anything, so keep your eyes out for any familiar names in all kinds of different magazines. You never know where we’ll crop up next, and if you like what you see, make sure to let the writer and the editors know too- that’s the best way to ensure that they keep coming!
We have another couple of professional writers that I know of, but they haven't given me any credits of their own other than the odd article here, or I would have included them as well. We know you are out there guys, toot your own horn a little!